Patience #DailyWritingChallenge

When doing any task, my brain is constantly whizzing from one area to the next, writing a mental shopping list, going back over an awkward conversation from earlier, all whilst creating an important policy document. Being praised for always meeting deadlines gave me a smug sense of self satisfaction. Striding round school so fast thatContinue reading “Patience #DailyWritingChallenge”

Integrity #DailyWritingChallenge

Clearly ahead of me were the rungs, each one to be ticked off as I passed swiftly to the next. The acquiring of the next promotion, then the next, were what mattered. The addictive high of success was what I craved. When finally, my winning approach halted spectacularly, the ladder crumbled, and I stared upContinue reading “Integrity #DailyWritingChallenge”

Authenticity: #DailyWritingChallenge

I look in the mirror. I take a deep breath. I take off the mask. Recently I’ve realised that in some form, I’ve been wearing a mask all my life. A carefully, unconsciously, cultivated veneer of passivity, perfection, and positivity. My behaviours mimic the mask – a cheery wave, a beaming smile, a confident ‘letContinue reading “Authenticity: #DailyWritingChallenge”

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